Perimenopause Awareness Month
It was a Thursday evening in NYC, and I found myself surrounded by an incredible group of powerhouse women—filmmakers, endocrinologists, authors, gynecologists—you name it. We were all buzzing about a topic that deserves all the spotlight: (peri)menopause.
Overcoming Fears and Building Confidence with Diastasis Recti
Diastasis Recti has always been a hot topic in the pregnancy and postpartum space, and some (okay, maybe a lot) of it comes with baggage of fearmongering.
Breathe, Relax, Release: Exploring the Crucial Role of Reverse Kegels
Reverse Kegels, pelvic floor drops, muscle down-training – all terms used when learning to release tension in pelvic floor muscles to enhance functionality and reduce pain.
Understanding the Impact of C-Sections on Pelvic Health
But isn’t a C-section considered a MAJOR abdominal surgery? You better believe it is. And don’t you have a new life to care for on top of that major surgery? You bet.
Navigating the Conversation: A Guide on Addressing Pelvic Health Concerns with Your Doctor
In the journey toward whole body healing, addressing pelvic health concerns is a vital step that often requires open communication with your healthcare provider.
The Silent Culprit: How Stress Impacts Pelvic Health and Effective Stress Relief Strategies
Recognizing and addressing the impact of stress on pelvic health is a proactive step toward a healthier, more balanced life.